
  • Ministry Of Sound The Annual 2004 Download Adobe
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 15. 22:33

    The Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan is an ecologically based plan established by the Ontario government to provide land use and resource management direction for the 190,000 hectares of land and water within the Moraine. The decisions of provincial ministers, ministries and agencies made under the Planning Act or the Condominium Act, 1998 or in relation to a prescribed matter, are required to conform with this Plan.Through the legislation and the Plan, the Ontario Government has set a clear policy framework for protecting the Oak Ridges Moraine. This is in keeping with the provincial land use planning system within which municipalities are responsible for implementing provincial policy through their official plans and when making decisions on development applications.Municipal planning decisions shall also conform with this Plan, which takes precedence over municipal official plans. Municipal plans are required to be brought into conformity with this Plan. Nothing in this Plan is intended to prevent municipalities from adopting official plan policies and zoning by-law provisions that are more restrictive than the policies of this Plan, except where prohibited by this Plan.The Oak Ridges Moraine is one of Ontario's most significant landforms. This irregular ridge stretches 160 kilometres from the Trent River in the east to the Niagara Escarpment in the west.

    The Escarpment and Moraine together form the foundation of south-central Ontario's natural heritage and greenspace systems. Strategically located north of and parallel to Lake Ontario, the Moraine divides the watersheds draining south into western Lake Ontario from those draining north into Georgian Bay, Lake Simcoe and the Trent River system.

    Ministry Of Sound The Annual 2004 Download Adobe Version

    Though declines in the growth and condition of Great Lakes lake whitefish ( Coregonus clupeaformis) have been largely attributed to food web disruptions caused by invasive dreissenid mussels, a comprehensive evaluation of alternative hypotheses is currently lacking. Using various statistical approaches, we evaluated 69 years of data from the inner basin of South Bay, Lake Huron, considering the role of biological variables (food availability as Diporeia abundance and lake whitefish relative abundance as catch per unit effort, CPUE) versus environmental variables (climate change as growing degree days 5 °C and productive habitat capacity as percent epilimnetic volume, EV) on the condition and early growth rates of resident lake whitefish.

    Ministry Of Sound The Annual 2004 Download Adobe Player

    Consistently, biological variables ( Diporeia abundance, CPUE) best explained changes in lake whitefish growth and condition, respectively, in years when Diporeia data were available. In their absence, environmental variables (EV) best explained early growth rates of lake whitefish, whereas CPUE again best explained lake whitefish condition. Our analysis revealed that environmental change contributed significantly but alone was not sufficient to explain declines in lake whitefish growth after dreissenid establishment, whereas biological variables considered here could account for the majority of growth and condition changes observed in this population.References. Hypsographic curve used to estimate epilimnetic volume in the current studyThe volume of a body of water in any particular year depends on both basin shape and water level.

    Ministry Of Sound The Annual 2004 Download Adobe

    Water levels on Lake Huron have declined by nearly 1.5 m over the past 30 years. Because thermocline depth is measured from the water surface, the volume of water in the epilimnion will depend not only on thermocline depth, but also on the water level for a particular year. To generate a hypsographic curve for the inner basin of South Bay, Lake Huron, we scanned a bathymetric map of South Bay provided by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. This image was saved and imported into the freely available image analysis software ImageJ (version 1.33u; ).

    The western boundary of the inner basin was chosen to correspond with the vertical line intersecting the narrows at 81°57′. Areas of 10 m contours and the perimeter of the inner basin were estimated from polygons manually traced to them using ImageJ. The maximum reported depth in the inner basin was 59 m (David Anderson, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 1450 7th Ave. East, Owen Sound, ON N4K 2Z1, Canada, unpublished data).

    Areas of contours were then plotted against their respective depths to generate the hypsographic curve. Lake depth = 0 was set at chart datum for Lake Huron (176 m; ).

    A2.Hypsographic curve used to estimate epilimnetic volume of the inner basin of South Bay, Lake Huron. Data points represent area of bathymetric contours.To estimate the annual volume (millions of cubic metres) of the inner basin from the hypsographic curve , we used reported mean annual water levels for Lakes Huron and Michigan. The maximum depth of the basin for a particular year was the elevation of mean annual water level minus the chart datum value for Lake Huron of 176 m, plus 59 m. This reflected the fixed nature of the bottom of the basin but took into account fluctuating annual water levels in the estimation of volume.

    The area under the curve bounded by the surface water level (in elevation) was then estimated using ImageJ and taken to equal the volume of the basin for that particular year.To estimate the hypolimnetic volume, we subtracted the summer thermocline depth (; this study) from the mean annual water level to determine the upper boundary of the hypolimnion. Hypolimnetic volume was estimated as the area under this level on the hypsographic curve. Epilimnetic volume was then estimated as the difference between total volume and hypolimnetic volume and expressed as a percentage of the total volume of the inner basin.References.

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